Have you ever had a question that you needed the answer to but didn’t want to search through hundreds of websites? Have you ever wanted to talk to someone when you have no one to talk to? Well meet ChatGPT, a highly intelligent AI model created by OpenAI that has taken the world by storm after its public release in November 2022.
What Is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an example of artificial intelligence, or AI for short. Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, or in simpler terms, computers being able to do humanlike things. You may have had a conversation with AI before, such as Siri or Google Assistant, but ChatGPT is more advanced than both of them. Its usefulness and practicality has allowed it to be used by over 100 million people. It's even the fastest growing app in history.
Benefits of ChatGPT
One of the biggest causes of ChatGPT’s success is its usability in a variety of fields. For example, you could go from asking a complex question about computer science to getting a recipe on how to bake cookies. This allows it to benefit almost any person, no matter what they are doing. ChatGPT can also carry out a conversation with you. It has the power to remember information from earlier in the conversation, so you would never have to repeat things. In addition, ChatGPT also responds in a conversational way, like another person would when talking to you. This allows the user to feel like the computer is actually talking to them, which lets them build an emotional connection to it.
Drawbacks of ChatGPT
Even though ChatGPT is an impressive piece of technology, everything has disadvantages. Since ChatGPT was trained in 2021, it doesn’t know that much about events that happened after. It also can occasionally generate wrong or harmful information.
How Does ChatGPT Work?
After hearing so much about ChatGPT, you’re probably wondering about how it was created. Well, it was actually created using 3 steps. During the first step, a prompt is asked to a labeler (a person who helps train AI) and they answer it. The policy, which is a version of the AI that minimizes risk, uses the answer to train itself. Now when it’s answered a similar question, it will reply with a similar response. In the next step, a reward model is created. Then, a prompt is asked, to which the AI produces multiple responses based on the first step. The labeler then ranks the responses, which helps train the reward model. Lastly, a PPO model is created, which is a popular type of AI model created by OpenAI. It uses the policy and the reward model to create the final AI. This process has been used by other AI too, such as InstructGPT, which is another AI model created by OpenAI.
Using ChatGPT
Now that you have learned a lot about ChatGPT, you probably want to test it out for yourself. This leads to one of the best parts of ChatGPT, it’s free! This means that you can try it out right now by just creating a free account at https://chat.openai.com/auth/login. I hope you’ll enjoy using this amazing piece of technology and I’m excited to see what new advancements in AI will come next!